The Write Way

Practice Makes Perfect

Lady working at her deskYou’ve heard the old adage “practice makes perfect.” This advice applies to technical, business, and scientific writing, too. Writers who practice a little every day produce a better product.

Why? Writing is a process as well as a result. Fine-tuning that process through practice leads to better writing skills and a better end product. But for scientists, engineers, and other professionals for whom writing is simply one more task to be completed, setting aside regular writing time is a challenge. Fortunately, management can help.

Change the culture
Believe it or not, the biggest roadblock to staff writing some every day may be your company’s corporate culture.

Many companies claim that they want the fruits of better writing skills — well-received journal articles, grant awards, winning proposals, effective reports — but then throw these productivity killers at their writers:

Get help when and how you need it
Hurley Write offers customized onsite writing workshops and online writing classes that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your writers. For example, our SCORM-compliant online training modules can be shared across systems. Employees can mix and match these modules to get the information they need and can take the course as time allows. These online training courses also provide participants with substantive, individualized feedback on their writing.

We also license our courses to companies so that they can be available to employees as needed. And our learning management system allows participants and management to track progress, create skill assessments, print certificates, and much more. Access an online demo of our technical writing course or contact Hurley Write for more information. For access to our online business writing demo, contact us at or call toll-free 877-24WRITE (249-7483).

Applying a sound writing process and getting management to support it are crucial for your team's success. Hurley Write can help! Call us toll-free at 877-24-WRITE (877-249-7483) or email

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