"Data Report Writing" Course

Sharpen the skills of your team with this data-driven storytelling course. Designed to help individuals use storytelling to drive readers to the desired conclusion, this course is offered in onsite and virtual formats customized to suit the needs of your business.

Our Courses are Customized for Your Team.

Properly conveying the story that data tells is critically important to create buy-in from key stakeholders. Our interactive, customized workshop, "Data-Driven Storytelling," teaches your team strategies to use data-driven storytelling that’s both compelling and engaging.

Choose How to Take the Course:

In our instructor-led, customized onsite workshop, "Data-Driven Storytelling," your team will learn strategies to use storytelling to drive conclusions about their data. The onsite workshops are hosted at your facility and offered in one-, two-, or three-day sessions.

Learn more about onsite training here.

Course Objectives:

  • Link data with key ideas
  • Design logical content & narrative flow
  • Master presentation skills

In our instructor-led, virtual workshop, your team will learn strategies to use storytelling to drive conclusions about their data. The virtual workshops are hosted at your facility and offered in one-, two-, or three-hour sessions over time.

Learn more about virtual training here.

Course Objectives:

  • Link data with key ideas
  • Design logical content & narrative flow
  • Master presentation skills
  • Star
  • Star
  • Star
  • Star
  • Star

Thank you for the course. I have really enjoyed it and learned a lot, especially from taking my time to work through the exercises, and I look forward to gaining more experience and trying out the methods and lessons as I get more involved in writing reports at work.

Frank E.
- Verified Course Attendee

What To Expect

Before the Course

  • A deep dive by our analysts into your team’s documents
  • A customized proposal that outlines the topics we propose to cover based on this analysis
  • A discovery/planning call to ensure that our plan meets your vision
  • Pre- and post-class assessment (depending on the package you choose)

During the Course

  • In-class exercises that give participants opportunities to apply concepts
  • Breakout sessions in which participants work collaboratively to apply concepts and solve writing problems
  • Examples of your team’s rewritten workplace samples to illustrate concepts
  • Real-time feedback from the instructor on breakouts
  • Micro-learning sessions
  • Socratic discussion
  • Opportunities for participants to ask questions

After the course

Depending which option you choose, your team can expect:

  • Scores on their’ post-class assessment
  • Access to our digital library, which includes short videos, quizzes, and other resources
  • Access to Option 1 of one of our online courses
  • Office hours, so that participants can meet with the instructor, share work, and get personalized feedback
  • Forums, which is a chat room that participants can use to ask questions and get answers from our team of writing professionals
  • Personalized coaching and feedback

Why Improve Your Team’s Presentation Skills?

Strong presentation skills help establish a professional and productive workplace and lead to both business and individual success. In our presentations courses, your team will learn strategies to engage their audience, use visuals effectively, and drive their audience to the appropriate conclusion.

Clearer Communication

Clearer, More Engaging Presentations

Your team will learn techniques to engage their audience and present their ideas so that they’re easy for the audience to digest.

More Effective Communication

By learning how to connect with audiences — whether peers, supervisors, or customers — your team will build confidence and deliver information so that it’s impactful.

Improved Audience Buy-In

When your team understands that there’s more to presenting than simply talking, they’ll be better able to get audience buy-in.